What are your artwork upload limits when ordering?
You can upload files as large as 20MB when ordering. If your file is larger than 20MB we provide an option for you to provide a download link using a service such as Dropbox or Google Drive. You can also skip the upload step and email your artwork to us after ordering.
The following file formats are accepted: AI, EPS, JPG, PDF, PNG, PSD, SVG and TIFF. High-resolution photos and vector artwork are recommended for best results. Templates are available under the Templates section of our website.
How large a file can you accept by email?
Files provided by email are limited to a file size of 20MB. Please email us your file at sales@stickerplug.com, please include your name and order number.
How can I share a file that's greater than 20MB in size?
You can share a larger file with us using a service such as Dropbox or Google Drive. Files provided by download link are limited to a file size of 100MB. Please email us your download link at sales@stickerplug.com, please include your name and order number.
My file is greater than 100MB. What should I do?
Please contact support if your file size is larger than 100MB.