Since every order is 100% custom, we do not allow returns for reasons unrelated to quality. For example, we cannot refund or reproduce your order if you decide you do not want it, ordered the wrong size or prefer a different product. We reserve the right to cancel any order that abuses our mix and match quantity breaks for custom decals. Abuse will be determined at our discretion.
The most important aspects of our returns & refunds policies are:
Orders lost or damaged during delivery.
Shipping plays an important part of our business, which means that we expect nothing short of excellent, on time service on your shipments. It’s true that while your order is in transit, situations come up that are slightly out of our control, but we will not charge you for these issues. Please let us know within 30 days of the delivery date if your order arrived damaged or was lost in shipment. Weather delays that impact transit times are not covered as part of our guarantee.
This Returns & Refunds Policy was last updated on 16 June 2020.